Safemoon INU organized a crypto marketing campaign recently and a team of Rosette Media Influencers were deployed to assist in the promotion.
These are some snazzy and fun images to illustrate the campaign and the fun captions include the following :-
1. This dog is so cute! ❤️
2. I want a Safemoon Inu in real life!
3. Following the newest trend: Safemoon Inu
4. I don’t know and trade Crypto, but I love to wear this.
5. Who let the dogs out? 😊
6. Will marry anyone who can get me a SMI hihi
7. Want one in black as well please!
8. Either I choose u or Safemoon Inu
9. Love the design!
10. DOGE is OUT, Safemoon IN-u to the moon!
Twitter: @SafemoonInu